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Georgian Desktop Publishing, typesetting and InDesign translation services by Tilti Multilingual – the highest quality by experienced DTP managers. We provide solutions for:

  • handbooks
  • brochures
  • business cards
  • posters
  • other materials

Our experienced InDesign managers and native translators make sure that the content and the design are brought together accurately, retaining their intended meaning and appearance.

Contact us at [email protected] for any inquiries.
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Specifics of Georgian DTP

The way you document looks like is influenced not only by its contents, but also by the specifics of the writing system used. The Georgian language employs the Georgian alphabet. See further how it may influence the layout of your materials.

Georgian DTP example – handbook
Georgian handbook example

Text spacing

Georgian letters are not joined within a word (i.e. not a cursive script), at least not obligatory. It means that spacing between letters can be applied relatively safely, if the design calls for it.

The letters are generally not case sensitive, i.e. there is no lowercase or uppercase. That being said, there are ways to transfrom a word or a letter to uppercase, but it is highly advisable to avoid that. It usually involves using different scripts and may cause serious layout issues.


Georgian letters traditionally do not use italics. There usually are just a few fonts that support designated italics, as there is no tradition of using them in the language. Slanting the text is always possible, but this may look unnatural, and so is not recommended.

The language is written in the left-to-right fashion. If the original text was in a language with the opposite writing direction, the overall layout should be mirrored in the process of desktop publishing.

The average word length in Georgian is 9 letters, which is 2 characters longer than the average. This usually means that a translated text becomes vertically (and possibly horizontally) longer. It is not recommended to break words into multiple lines in typeset documents, so more words end up being pushed to the next line. Hence the additional vertical height of the text.

Frequently Asked Questions about Georgian DTP services

Here are some of the most frequent questions about the service.

How long will it take to complete my document?

On average, a DTP specialist can process 10 pages per hour. The time may change based on the quality of the files, whether the fonts you supply support the required characters, as well as the general complexity of the documents.

What documents do you work with?

Instructions, guides, manuals, packaging, business cards, posters, books, booklets, and any other documents that you might need.

What fonts are suitable for Georgian DTP?

Georgian DTP requires a font that supports the Georgian script.

Succesful Cooperations

Computer Science & Tech

Computer-Assisted Translation of XML Files

See references

Marketing & Sale

Localization of POS Material in Indesign

See references


Software Localization for an Online-Shop

See references


Translation and Desktop Publishing of Technical Drawings

See references