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Tilti Multilingual offers high-quality academic paper translation services – whether you wish to graduate from a foreign university, or have your work reviewed by peers who do not speak your language, we are ready to support you. Complete the form above or contact us at [email protected] to request a proposal, and receive an answer within 1 hour!

Most international scientific journals publish articles in English, German, Russian, or another ‘big’ language with an established academic tradition. The same is true for international universities and colleges, who might accept theses in only a handful of languages. But what if you, as a researcher, are more comfortable working in your native tongue that is not supported by the current academic environment? We at Tilti Multilingual are ready to translate your work from and into more than 50 languages, ensuring perfect grammar and terminology that is accurate for your field of study.

Document types

A scientific paper can take multiple forms, some of the most common including:

Naturally, our translation services are suitable for not only these, but any other formats of an academic writing as well. Protect your research from being overlooked due to language mistakes, such as typos, poor word choice, clumsy sentences or other flaws. With us, the language of your manuscript will be impeccable.

Supported branches of science

The branches of science are numerous, and it would be excessive to name them all here. Nevertheless, we guarantee that the translator assigned to your text will not only be a native speaker, but will have a proficiency in your academic discipline as well, including, but not limited to:

  • Mathematics;
  • Statistics;
  • Physics;
  • Chemistry;
  • Biology;
  • Economics;
  • Political science;
  • Sociology;
  • Psychology;
  • Computer science;
  • Engineering;
  • Agricultural science;
  • Medicine.

Tilti Multilingual

No matter what kind of research papers you need translated, we are ready to support it with our academic translation services. Complete the form above or contact us at [email protected] to request a proposal, and receive an answer within 1 hour!

Succesful Cooperations

Computer Science & Tech

Computer-Assisted Translation of XML Files

See references

Marketing & Sale

Localization of POS Material in Indesign

See references


Software Localization for an Online-Shop

See references


Translation and Desktop Publishing of Technical Drawings

See references