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  • Orafol
  • Saint Gobain
  • BNP Paribas
  • APP
  • Western Union

Marketing text translations by Tilti Multilingual will ensure that your message is getting across in any of the 50+ languages we have to offer. More than just translate, we truly localize your texts – the way you intend, the way it appeals to the target audience. Complete the form above or contact us at [email protected] to request a proposal, and receive an answer within 1 hour!

Transcreation – more than just translation

The primary aim of a marketing text is to convey a certain thought or feeling to its target audience. Depending on the style of your appeal, a direct translation may represent that intent more or less accurately, but it is almost always not enough. Different language convey ideas differently, and it is the aim of transcreation, rather than translation to account for that.

The process of transcreation involves analysing the core idea of a marketing text or the desired effect of a slogan, and then adjusting the subsequent translation to match it. As a consequence, things like word choice or sentence structure may be different from the point of view of the original text, but, at the same time, they become better, more natural from the point of view of the target language.

We pay a special attention to the terminology and the cultural nuances of your marketing texts, adjusting them to sound as if they were originally written by a native speaker of the target language. Whatever your product or service is, you may rest assured that the marketing text translation will expertly convey its allure to your potential customers.

Marketing text types

While all marketing texts have similar goals, they can come in different formats. The most popular ones include:

  • Product & service promotions;
  • Banner and pop-up ads;
  • Case studies;
  • Infographics.

Each of these has its own set of requirements, like length, the use of specific terminology, etc. For adverts that are more concise, like posters and infographics, desktop publishing services might be necessary.

Tilti Multilingual

Marketing text and advertisements translated by our experts are both impeccable language-wise and accurately convey your intention to the target audience. Make sure that the message of your business is appropriate to the target culture, style and local traditions. Complete the form above or contact us at [email protected] to request a proposal, and receive an answer within 1 hour!

Succesful Cooperations

Computer Science & Tech

Computer-Assisted Translation of XML Files

See references

Marketing & Sale

Localization of POS Material in Indesign

See references


Software Localization for an Online-Shop

See references


Translation and Desktop Publishing of Technical Drawings

See references