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Tilti Multilingual provides certified document translations services for the purpose of immigration. Complete the form above or contact us at [email protected] to request a proposal for your translation.

Alternatively, continue reading to discover more about the immigration document translation service.

Most commonly translated immigration documents

While each country requires their own set of documents to be submitted for the purposes of immigration, some of the most common are:

  • Birth certificates;
  • Marriage certificates;
  • Police and criminal records (if any);
  • Bank statements;

Documents for professionals

Some countries offer special immigration programmes for highly trained specialists. In this case, you might need the following documents translated:

  • Academic credentials and diplomas;
  • Training certificates;
  • Patents;

Documents for company representatives

If you intend to immigrate for the purpose of conducting business, as a company representative, the following documents might need to be translated:

  • Articles of incorporation;
  • Power of Attorney;
  • Various corporate documents;

Requirements for translations

The translation of immigration documents requires an utmost precision and a certified translator to do the job. It is best when the translation is done by a native speaker of the target language, which Tilti Multilingual provides.

This is required because all translated documents submitted to immigration authorities must represent the source document information with perfect accuracy. If it is not so, the processing of your documents might be delayed while the authorities verify the information, or even denied and the documents returned. In this case, you will need to re-translate them, wasting more money and time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most frequent questions about immigration document translation.

What immigration documents need to be translated?

  • Birth certificates;
  • Marriage certificates;
  • Police and criminal records (if any);
  • Bank statements;
  • Other documents that may be relevant to your specific immgiration case;

Who can translate documents for immigration?

A company that provides certified translations by native translators like Tilti Multilingual is fit to handle the translation of immigration documents. Such a company should also have competence in legal translations.

How do I know if a translator is certified?

A certified translation company must be able to provide a document, a stamp, a notary signature or another type of verification that would allow the immigration authorities to make sure the translation is accurate.

Where to translate documents for immigration?

Tilti Multilingual ([email protected]) is able to provide certified immigration document translations of high quality, done by native speakers, and legalized by a notary.

Succesful Cooperations

Computer Science & Tech

Computer-Assisted Translation of XML Files

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Marketing & Sale

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Software Localization for an Online-Shop

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Translation and Desktop Publishing of Technical Drawings

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