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  • UniCredit
  • Saint Gobain
  • Accerol Mittal
  • Thyssen Krupp
  • Orafol

Tailor-made legal proofreading services by Tilti Multilingual ensure that the language of your documents is perfect and complies with all the industry standards concerning their terminology and style. Complete the form above or contact us at [email protected] to request a proposal, and receive an answer within 1 hour!

Document types

We provide legal proofreading and editing support for any kind of law-related documents, including:

Our proofreading goals

Like with any other documents, legal proofreading requires making the language as good as it can be: spelling errors, grammar mistakes, clunky sentence structure and other imperfections must be edited out. That being said, in the realm of law and jurisprudence, there is an additional proofreading checklist that must be followed:

  • Clarity and brevity – the sentences of a legal document should be short and to the point, containing only essential information;
  • Appropriate terminology – legal matters are known for the need to use very specific terms in very specific contexts, while improper terminology may invalidate a document;
  • Plain wording – apart from the industry-specific terminology, the language should be plain and simple, so as to improve the readability of a document;
  • Consistency – legal documents are difficult enough, and consistency in everything (punctuation, capitalization, etc.) is one of the key steps to help with that.

Our professional proofreaders achieve all of these and a number of other aims by checking your documents multiple times, weeding out even the smallest imperfections.

Our clients

Tilti Multilingual provides proofreading services for anyone who needs to ensure a top-notch quality for their legal documents. Of course, those who work with such texts on a regular basis will benefit from our work the most:

  • Law firms;
  • Attorneys;
  • Notaries;
  • Law students;

If you wish to make sure that your legal texts comply with all the industry standards and their language is impeccable, use the form above or contact us at [email protected] to request a proposal and receive the answer within 1 hour!

Succesful Cooperations

Computer Science & Tech

Computer-Assisted Translation of XML Files

See references

Marketing & Sale

Localization of POS Material in Indesign

See references


Software Localization for an Online-Shop

See references


Translation and Desktop Publishing of Technical Drawings

See references